
I have a confession to make. It's a shameful one, and you may think less of me when I tell you this.

I am a soap addict.

There, I said it. Now you know the awful truth.

I can't stop myself! The scents, the shapes, the wonderful soapy goodness! It's too much for me, I can't control myself!!!

And since misery loves company, I've decided to corrupt all of you too. Just look at all this wonderful soap!

Honestly, I'm not sure if I should wash with this, or eat it! Baby Cinnamon Rolls from Soapotomus

Or how about a slice of Pomegranate Fig Bundt Cake with your bath from Soap Store?

These brightly coloured, flower shape soaps from Satin and Birch are a gorgeous addition to your bathroom decor. They're gorgeous and smell delicious too!

Seriously, I can't believe these are actually soap! These are art, pure and simple. Wonderful, fragrant, sudsy art.

I'm in love!!

Where's the Sun?

I woke up today to a cloudy, dreary day. So, I decided to add a bit of sunshine and colour!

I adore (and just may be back to purchase) this Pink Butterfly Cotton Tea Towel from Murdock Design on Etsy. Not only do I adore butterflies, but this towel has all my favourite colours in it as well. It's like it was made just for me!

Boy, do I wish this was outside my window! A gorgeous print called Good Morning Sunshine by John W. Golden

So Much Fun!

1. Pink Circle Pillow - 4 Hands
2.Handmade Plush Microbe - Bubbletime
3. Bright Sunshine Yellow Pet Tag - Metamorph Designs
4. Hug Me Slug - The Art of Elizabeth Ruffing

This Blog Needs a New Name! - Part 2

Due to a recent death in the family, I wasn't able to give this contest the attention it deserved. So, I'm going to run it a bit longer so more people can enter. Those who have entered aleady will of course still be in the running. :)

Here is the original post:

I need your help!

I want to rename my blog, but I'm can't seem to come up with anything good.

So, I'm going to have contest!

I will collect names starting today until Monday. All you need to do is leave your choice for a name for my blog in the comment section. On Monday, I will choose my favourite. The winner will receive a free 125x125 web ad from my shop!