This Blog Needs a New Name! - Part 2
Due to a recent death in the family, I wasn't able to give this contest the attention it deserved. So, I'm going to run it a bit longer so more people can enter. Those who have entered aleady will of course still be in the running. :)
Here is the original post:
I need your help!
I want to rename my blog, but I'm can't seem to come up with anything good.
So, I'm going to have contest!
I will collect names starting today until Monday. All you need to do is leave your choice for a name for my blog in the comment section. On Monday, I will choose my favourite. The winner will receive a free 125x125 web ad from my shop!
I like the banneista lol or the royal banneista
Since you feature shops and finds how about "The Queen's Finds" ??
Kim ~ vabeachquilter ~
Deon...whats wrong with this name...also I could not find a comment link on your latest blogs...but then, I'm rather a techno dud.